Our super fun classes

This age-group is generally for the crawlers and beginner walkers. We introduce them to a range of gross-motor skills like assisted walking, running, jumping, etc.
They will also become familiar with our equipment, even though they don’t swing on the bar or walk on the beam by themselves yet, we assist them at each stage.
The warm-up and group activities at the beginning of the class helps to grow and refine gross motor skills, while the different skills presented each week on the equipment establishes early movement patterns in the brain and muscle memory. At the end of each class we have some fun with balls and bubbles, in order to improve hand-eye coordination and eye-tracking.

The Bunnies in these age groups are all walkers and runners!
They move a lot more, so we can refine gross-motor skills during the warm-up and include activities like skipping, galloping and jumping. Most of the kids can do rolls and hops with a little or no assistance.
The main skills presented each week will be a little more challenging than those presented for the Baby Bunnies and we incorporate a lot of swinging, climbing, balancing and rolling. Kids at this age love playing with balls and we can refine ball-handling skills and focus more on kicking, throwing, catching, dunking and bouncing the balls. This age-group also loves singing and rhymes and we incorporate a lot of it during the course of a lesson.

The Bunnies in these age groups are all walkers and runners!
They move a lot more, so we can refine gross-motor skills during the warm-up and include activities like skipping, galloping and jumping. Most of the kids can do rolls and hops with a little or no assistance.
The main skills presented each week will be a little more challenging than those presented for the Baby Bunnies and we incorporate a lot of swinging, climbing, balancing and rolling. Kids at this age love playing with balls and we can refine ball-handling skills and focus more on kicking, throwing, catching, dunking and bouncing the balls. This age-group also loves singing and rhymes and we incorporate a lot of it during the course of a lesson.

The Rabbits are very independent – they do the classes without assistance from a parent. Classes for these age groups are a lot more structured and we attempt to not only grow physical skills but emotional and social ones as well. They are expected to listen carefully, and follow directions because the skills are more advanced. The warm-up and group activities presented at the beginning of the class are aimed at developing a range of gross-motor skills, rolls, cartwheels and handstands, all while using their imagination and fun equipment. Each week we have a different theme, set-up and a different main skill of focus on each station, to ensure that the kids master all the basic skills in jumpanastix. Games are very important – they are not only fun but they also serve as a good cardio and mental work-out. We always end classes with a game, a song and a special Bouncing Bunnies sticker.

The Rabbits are very independent – they do the classes without assistance from a parent. Classes for these age groups are a lot more structured and we attempt to not only grow physical skills but emotional and social ones as well. They are expected to listen carefully, and follow directions because the skills are more advanced. The warm-up and group activities presented at the beginning of the class are aimed at developing a range of gross-motor skills, rolls, cartwheels and handstands, all while using their imagination and fun equipment. Each week we have a different theme, set-up and a different main skill of focus on each station, to ensure that the kids master all the basic skills in jumpanastix. Games are very important – they are not only fun but they also serve as a good cardio and mental work-out. We always end classes with a game, a song and a special Bouncing Bunnies sticker.

Classes for these age groups are more advanced, so less singing and playing and more focus on strength, balance and coordination. We usually do some gentle stretching during the warm-up and focus more on tumbling skills (rolls, cartwheels, handstands and jump variations) than in the younger classes. Stations are more structured and follow a circuit-training format. Even though these classes are more serious, we still have fun with games and races at the end.

Classes for these age groups are more advanced, so less singing and playing and more focus on strength, balance and coordination. We usually do some gentle stretching during the warm-up and focus more on tumbling skills (rolls, cartwheels, handstands and jump variations) than in the younger classes. Stations are more structured and follow a circuit-training format. Even though these classes are more serious, we still have fun with games and races at the end.